How to mount a 2″ mast to the side of a utility pole


I need to mount a 2" diameter mast to the side of a utility/telephone pole and am having trouble locating a mounting solution/hardware that will work.

My big problem is that I'm not sure what the name of such hardware is and that is making it tough to find using Google. Searching for "pole mount" just returns hits about mounting the pole itself, not mounting TO a pole. I've thought about using some kind of clamps around both poles, but ideally I'd like something that provides a little bit of offset between the poles. Maybe there is come kind of adapter hardware that would allow for a flush mount against a pole?

Can anyone provide some advice for the name of the hardware you'd use for this, or just general advice on how to securely mount a mast to the side of a telephone pole with a bit of an offset and flushly?

Best Answer

Try searching for "utility pole standoff bracket" and you'll find things like this Garvin bracket. Also check if the Band-It Company has something you can use.