How to mount curtain rails so block-out curtains are closer to the wall


I have installed curtains with 2 curtain rails. The second rail (furthest from window) has blockout curtains, but as you can see from the picture, they are quite far from the wall.

enter image description here

This results in light escaping around the side of the curtains – and the room is not dark at all! (as we would wish, total darkness).

How can I remount the curtain rails?

The bracket is a square shaped "arm" and then 2 pieces shaped like a loop and a small arm with a screw. There are 2 separate "loop" arms affixed to the square bracket arm above them.

Here is the manufacturer drawing (with one "loop" attachment, whereas I use two).

enter image description here

My initial thought is to just flip the loop arms so that they are closer to the wall. This would win me about an inch / 2 cm… but I would like to move the second rail closer than this.

Does anyone have any good advice?


Best Answer

Consider adding a small hook to the "outside" of the hanger bracket (the side facing the side wall in the image provided), then pulling the blackout curtain around the corner and hanging the last curtain hook on this new hook. That should pull the whole curtain around the corner and cut out a significant additional light leakage.

If that's still not sufficient, hang small panel straight down from the curtain rod support brackets. Light doesn't travel around corners very well, so these "side blockers" should also cut out a significant amount of light.

You may need to combine both options.