How to nail LVL beam to King Stud


This seems to be the best forum to get answers. I asked a question a week ago about placement of LVL beam, it was answered in a matter of minutes.

So I am placing this 13ft (12.8ft) Versa-Lam LVL beam as header for a 12ft patio door. You can see the opening I have. I will be adding 3-1/2 by 3-1/2 Versa-Lam LVL posts as Jack studs on each side against the King studs that already exist there once I build up the support wall.

Right now, the king stud that exists on the left side is right at a corner wall. It the very last King stud right at the corner. And I have no access to the opposite side of the King Stud for nailing the beam to it.

Once I place the beam, how do I nail it to the king stud? Do I just toe nail it?

I appreciate any comment. Thanks

LVL Header

Best Answer

Toe nailing should provide sufficient strength. A method I often apply in such situations is to not only nail it both through the header and into the king stud but to also toe nail it from the king stud into the header. You can also put some nails up through the jacks and into the header. If you lack confidence in your nails, a few well placed screws should do the trick as well.