How to navigate an unfinished attic


My attic only has plywood around our HVAC. The rest is just covered with cellulose insulation. How do people get around their unfinished attics?

I've been up with a flashlight trying to judge where the beams are, but I know it's just one missed step before my legs are hanging through the ceiling (it happened to a friend).

Best Answer

Since my attic requires maintenance on solar vents and a power vent in the end gable, I took 5/8" plywood, divided it into three lengthwise strips and put a catwalk down the center of the attic. As a prior answer notes, use a small rake to fluff the insulation back over to the proper depth when you're through.

This was after a few years of playing Tarzan, catching the truss uprights and gauging where the feet went. Then you get off by two inches in a partial slip (did I mention hanging onto the truss members?) and find yourself staring ceiling repairs in the face. The plywood's cheaper than figuring out how to replace a ceiling with heating cables embedded in its lower surface.