How to paint touch-up spots on drywall


I have a few spots that need to be touched-up (after having a drywall anchor removed, being gouged while moving furniture, etc).

I filled them with putty, sanded smooth, then painted a single coat with a small foam brush, but:

  1. The texture looks different from the rest of the wall
  2. The color looks a bit off, though maybe this is just because of the texture.

Any tips on how to handle these spots so they don't stick out?

Best Answer

A couple of things could cause this:

  • the original surface was primed, and you didn't use any primer on the patches. Primer seals the surface, so changes how the surface absorbs paint.
  • the original surface was rolled, and you used a paintbrush. Rollers leave a slight orange-peel texture, whereas a paintbrush -- even the brush you used -- will leave a flat to slightly rippled texture.

More coats of paint will help too, but prime it first.