How to position a motion sensor


When planning motion sensor placement for a security system, is it preferable to install it facing windows, or not?

Best Answer

Presuming you're talking about passive infrared or PIR detectors, you do not want them pointing at your windows. They detect changes in the ambient temperature in the field of view, and pointing at windows causes them several problems:

  • heating registers are often located under windows, so when your heating system turns on and off, the temperature will change rapidly just there.
  • if you have changeable weather, there can be big temperature swings as clouds block and unblock the sun.
  • drafts from windows can make drapes sway, blocking and unblocking part of the window.
  • the lenses in PIRs are designed to admit infrared light and block visible light, but they're not perfect. The more ambient light in the field of view, the less sensitive they'll be.
  • windows can often be a magnet for pets, and while pet-immune sensors exist, they often rely on blocking off the part of the PIR window that looks downwards. If your cats are walking on the back of the sofa or your dog is jumping up and down barking at squirrels in your yard, it brings them directly into the field of view.

Think about what an intruder would be taking and how they'd get out of the house (it's easier to go out the back door than a window carrying the big screen TV), then cover the areas that they'll be going through.