How to prevent cockroaches climbing onto something


Not much info I could find on what surfaces do cockroaches are unable to climb – nor I have read much into their precise methods of how do they climb stuff, however on this website: they mention that the following give cockroaches a hard time climbing: Porcelain, Glass, Smooth metal, Granite, Marble surfaces.

So from what I gathered two things came up to me on how to prevent these bastards to climb onto something, in my case – I don't want them to climb up on my bed.

1.) Coat a slippery surface on my normal surface (bed legs, however I don't have bed legs as I have a box bed).

2.) Spray the bed legs (better if you have box bed) with a repellent like pepermint or eucalyptus, which btw I have no idea how effective these are at all or how long do they last, as the sources where I read this weren't really factual.

Do you guys know any other way on how to prevent them climbing on my bed? If method 1 is ok, what material should I use – I thought of wrapping up transperent tape around my bed but not sure if that counts as slippery. I know it will look terrible, but the crawl of a cockroach shell waking you up and presenting itself to you is far worse image than anything else and a far worse nightmare than the one you were waken up from. I thought about sticking some other material to it, but I really don't know what will work – I have oriental cockroaches why do not fly. Also if anyone tried method 2, is this legit, how long does the effect last for?


Best Answer

I had a client who had the same problem with the box bed. I put two wraps of foil tape around the frame and it kept those little bast...ds from climbing up. You have to make sure the surface is really smooth and kink free. You can pick up this tape at any home store.

Also, try to bug proof your place. Check for openings around drain and water pipes. Place a few of those "Roach Motels" around the place to kill off some that might already be in. Other than spraying insecticide, which many people don't want to do, I don't know anything else to do. There's a reason they've been around since before the dinosaurs and have survived. Good luck.