How to prevent insects from entering the house? How to find their entry point


We just moved into a different house. There seems to be an unusually high probability of insects entering the house compared to other houses. No infestation, but a lot of one-off incidents. The worst so far have been one wasp and a fist-sized grasshopper. This is definitely not normal.

I suspect that there is some entrance somewhere they're using to get access to the house, but I don't know where it could be or how to find it.

So how can I prevent bugs from entering, and also diagnose and fix any structural problems that may be allowing them to enter (like a hole in a door, for example)?

Best Answer

Get an IR camera. You should be able to find cracks/leaks/whatever real easy. Unfortunately IR cameras aren't cheap, so perhaps you can call a HERS guy to come over with one and pay him $100 for his trouble.

If that fails, I suppose you could fill your house up with a smoke machine and attach a blower door (you'd need the help of a HERS guy again)... or just use a smoke pencil.