How to properly level / build a fence for in the back yard


I'm building a fence in my backyard it's about 300ft of fence and this is my first time doing a project like this.

I wasn't 100% sure the best method for leveling, my yard is mostly flat no big slopes but there is some grades to it like with any yard as no yard is perfectly flat. Each side of the fence will run about 100ft.

I started off running the back braces perfectly level to the ground using a 4ft level and making sure they were perfect on installing each one but I soon noticed as I'm moving further down the line that there is a decent size grade and my bottom post as I move further down is around 8 inches higher off the ground then when I started.

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In the second picture you can see how I'm building the front panels which I leveled the top border of that panel too which is sloping up and If I continue this router by the end of the fence line going level I'll be 8 inches or so off the ground which I don't want.

So my question is what is the best way I should be doing this? My yard I thought looked pretty level but it appears it's not nearly as I thought.

Do I get the idea of level completely out of my mind and for the braces just measure up from the ground and keep them all the same and have the panels flow with the movement of the ground?

Any help would be great appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

Level Each Section

With a gradual slope - i.e., no more than a couple of inches per section - I would make each section level but with some offset an inch or two as needed so that each section is approximately the same distance from the ground.