How to protect solar panels from hail


Saw another question on solar panels and it reminded me of one big thing that always made me hesitant to consider them.

We get several hail storms each year and having an expensive glass covered(?) panel facing almost straight up seems like it is asking for trouble. How do people who have solar panels mitigate this risk?

Best Answer

Smaller panels are one way to go; see this article Hail Damage and your Solar Panels:

If you decide to install photovoltaic modules and worry about hail damage, there are a couple of things to consider. One of the most important concerns the size of the modules. If the region you live in is subject to frequent or serious hail storms, smaller modules are easier and less costly to replace. Also if a large module sustains damage, it will seriously reduce the power output, or even cause the system to fail completely. The drawback with using smaller modules is that they are often more expensive to install.

But of course there is not much that would withstand very large size hail but then your home insurance should cover the damage (just like the damage that would happen to your car and/or house during one of those hail storms). I do not think it is very expensive to get your solar panels added onto your home insurance policy (if they are not covered already). See this answer too: Do roof solar panels and hail mix?