How to raise the bed frame cheaply


If the bed were a few inches higher, I would be able to store my suitcase beneath it. Is there anyway to raise it and still be able to support a person lying down?

I may be looking for something like this though $20 seems a bit much for something that gives a few more inches and I'm in Canada. I've heard of using milk crates but wouldn't they break? If not, where would I get them from?

The bed has wheels and is for a single person.

Best Answer

Go to your local hardware store and buy 4 of these. Maybe $1.50 each? Cinder Block

Bring them home, and lay them on their side.

$6 and you have a very sturdy 8" lift.

If you need higher, buy 4 more.

If it is too heavy for you, pay a youngster $10 to haul them up the stairs. Still under $20.