Asbestos Report – How to Read an Asbestos Report


Someone help me out here. I had 3 samples taken as labeled on the results. I'm finding it difficult to decipher the report from the lap.

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Best Answer

You took 3 samples and sent them in. #1 and #2 contain no asbestos. The third sample does indeed contain Chrystoile, or white asbestos. From Wikipedia

Chrysotile or white asbestos is the most commonly encountered form of asbestos,accounting for approximately 95% of the asbestos in the United States.

Of that layer within the third sample where it was positively detected, it is about 8% asbestos (visually estimated) and 92% non-fibrous components (difference of 100% - 8%) that the lab did not further analyze. In the third sample, there were 3 layers and the layer containing asbestos made up 90% of that sample.