How to reattach sliding drawers which have damaged their screw holes


We have a set of sliding kitchen drawers which came loose, probably due to overloading, damaging the holes which they screwed into, as in this image:

Damaged screw hole

The screws themselves look like this: (apologies if "screw" is the wrong word)


We reordered the drawers to make use of the remaining undamaged screw holes, but they've come loose again, and now there are no undamaged screw holes to use.

Is it possible to repair the damage, such that we could reattach the sliders, or do we need to replace the whole enclosure?

Best Answer

I think you have two options here.

Either you repair that hole by filling it with epoxy resin or another suitable filler. After that you may have to drill it again to make sure it has the right diameter and position.

Or you drill a bigger hole and use an insert nut (see wikipedia). Then you also have to replace the special scew depicted by a suitable countersunk machine screw. Of course it depends on the thickness of your board, whether you can use an insert nut.