How to reduce the amount of noise transferred through the exterior walls

noise reductionsound-proofing

My apartment building is near a mosque and as you may already know when the Moslems pray they like to use loudspeakers. And I mean LOUD. As I live in an apartment I am not allowed to make any changes to the outside facade. Our corner unit has windows in the bedrooms and it could get really noisy. We are expecting a baby soon and are trying to find a way to cancel this noise to ensure good sleep for the baby. What kind of solution can you suggest? Preferably one that wont involve a lot of construction and wont break the wallet. I attach a pic of one of the bedrooms with the blinds drawn. enter image description here

Best Answer

There are soundproofing curtains and soundproofing panels that can be found through an internet search for soundproofing curtains.

They are not cheap, window curtains starting in the $300 range for an average size window (and yours are much larger). Panels start at about $200 for a 4x8 foot unit and they still need to be hung on some sort of frame. Preframed versions are a good bit more.

Many people swear by white noise machines, but not all people find them effective.