How to reduce the noise of a street in front of the house


Situation: A rented flat with a busy street right in front of it.
The bed room faces towards the street with a window front.
As the flat is rented I can not build something permanently like new windows or a wall. I already thougt about styrofoam plates, other foam or heavy curtains but don't know what is usable.

According to a municpial computer model the noise is between 55-75 dbA in 4m height from the ground. The flat is like 10-15m from the ground.

How could I reduce the noise from the street?

Edit: As it was suggested that this question is a duplicate of this one and this one: I don't have a garden and can not set up a wall. My question is only about inhouse insulation.

Edit 2: The noise is mostly a problem during bedtime as it disturbs the sleep. Foam earplugs are not a solution for everyone due to medical reasons.

Best Answer

I use a white noise generator while sleeping. These devices can provide a neutral sound that is fairly relaxing, while drowning out most of the street noise.

This isn't a 100% solution, but it's something that sits on your night stand/dresser and doesn't have to cost a lot. It can also be taken with you on vacation.

These usually have multiple options for sounds, so if you like trains, ocean waves, birds, or whatever, there's probably a setting for you. Mine has 11 options (IIRC), and I use the rain storm option exclusively.

I think I've even heard of phone apps to do the same thing.

You might be able to get a white noise generator device with an oil/scent option, to further help relaxing. This is usually a paper or cotton pad that you put scented oil on, which has a tiny fan to under it to spread the aroma. I never used it, but it's something to think about.

FYI, pink noise is not white noise.