How to regrade the ground around the house


When we purchased our house, the inspector recommended that we regrade all the ground that meets the house to ensure water is draining away properly.

  • What do I need in order to do this (am I insane for even considering doing it myself?)?
  • What should I do with the plants that are currently in the way of digging up the ground to improve their chances of surviving the process?
  • Are there any potential issues we should be prepared for (discovering drains, buried cables, etc.)?

Best Answer

I was given the same recommendation and decided it would be too much work for me to do myself. I was told to use a clay based soil to ensure that it doesn't wash away and to plant some type of ground cover (something like Pachysandra) to take root and hold onto the soil.

I'm far from a gardening expert but it seemed to be a tremendous amount of work to do without some kind of heavy lifting equipment and a few tons of dirt.