How to remove a 40mm shower head without extra tools


My shower as displayed below needs a wide mouth wrench (at least a 40mm) and the jaw of my adjustable wrench can open up to 30mm. I have a number of other simple tools.
I do not want to buy another wrench only for this shower and it's not easy for me to find a tools shop here. Is it possible to detach the current shower in any other way?

enter image description here
enter image description here

enter image description here

Update: thanks for all answers. I came up with opening it with a pair of slip-joint pliers.

Best Answer

If you have a thin leather belt of sufficient width to engage well the fitting, consider to wrap it around the fitting as snugly as possible. Leave sufficient material at each end of the wrap to secure the ends against each other.

One way of looking at it is the leather will form the shape of the letter P. The vertical bar of the letter P is where to attach your existing wrench. Place the moveable jaw of the wrench in the portion that will contact the fitting when moving the wrench. As you begin to apply torque to the wrench, this jaw will compress the leather against the fitting as well as providing better leverage for releasing the fitting.

Obviously, you will want to tighten the jaws as firmly as possible on the leather strap ends. As you begin to apply force to the wrench, you may be able to further tighten the moveable jaw even a small amount, but that may also require three hands.