How to remove a brick patio embedded in concrete


How can I remove a brick patio set in concrete and on a concrete slab? Is it possible for a woman to do this herself?

Best Answer

If you have plenty of time, and don't want to hire power tools, you can do it a bit at a time over several weeks (months?). It will be hard work but anyone can do it.

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That's a brick bolster and a club hammer, which is what I had to hand when I needed to break up some brickwork. You could try some other type of cold chisel or hammer. It depends what you can borrow or what advice you can get from the local store.

The brickwork I was attacking was set with mortar. If your concrete turns out to be too tough you may have to try power tools instead.

It so happens I have an old cheap Chinese-made SDS hammer drill that had been used to break up a large heap of set asphalt (you can buy these very cheaply, they won't be very durable but OK for occasional light use). These things usually have a rotation-stop lever and come with a chisel. I'd probably escalate to that before considering hiring a jackhammer.

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A tool-hire shop should be able to advise.