How to remove a coffee stain from carpet


Recently a cup of coffee was spilled on the carpeting of our home. We tried to get the stain out with a chemical solvent to no avail, and called in the experts. Unfortunately due to our preprocessing, the professional carpet cleaners made little headway in removing the stain.

The carpet is off-white, and now we have a light-brown spot about 1ft x 2ft at the base of a staircase. The whole house is carpeted with the same material and we'd really like to avoid replacing all of it.

What options are out there in terms of minimizing the stain?

Best Answer

If the pros couldn't do much, It sounds like the stain is there for good. Some suggestions:

  • small throw rug/welcome mat. Just cover it up!
  • bring in a pro to swap that bit of carpet with maybe something in a closet, or just a far corner. A good carpet pro should be able to seam it all back together.
  • dye the entire carpet a shade or two darker. I know such services exist, though I have not used them and can't vouch for them.