How to remove dried latex paint from a bathtub and tub drain


My 16 year old daughter decided to paint her bathroom this summer without telling us. To her credit she painted and cleaned up everything relatively well. But, apparently she cleaned everything in her tub, and just left it there without telling us anything. It's been a week now, and I just found out.

1) There is paint all over the bottom of the tub … what is the best way to clean this up without damaging / scratching the fiberglass tub?
2) The drain is clogged. What is the best way to de-clog it?


Best Answer

I'd have suggested Goof-off or Oops, which are for latex cleanup. Here's a more robust plan.

Step 1 Scrape paint off the fiberglass tub carefully with a plastic scraper. Clean with Barkeeper's Friend and water. Rinse thoroughly and repeat if necessary.

Step 2 Try Dirtex in a spray can to remove latex paint from a fiberglass tub. It's available from ACE hardware stores.

Step 3 Make a paste of baking soda and water. Rub the paint spot with the paste and a damp sponge. Rinse completely.

Step 4 Rub the spot of paint with a dampened Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Step 5 Scrub the paint spot with a non-abrasive powdered cleaner like Bon Ami.

Step 6 Visit a paint company and look for "Oops". It's made to remove paint spots.

As for the trap, you may want to remove and discard it. parts are cheap. If it's not accessible, try the products mentioned above to dissolve it, or go to more aggressive drain cleaners. Be aware that they will remove chrome from your drain hardware.