How to remove dried paint from carpet and leather


I placed a full tin of valspar v700 Int wall/ ceiling matt paint on the back seat of my car, the lid hadn't been put back on correctly by B & Q and it fell over all over the black leather seat and all over the carpet in the back foot weel, Does anyone know how to get this off, it happened 2 days ago,

Best Answer


I'd give up on the carpet and order a replacement.


The usual techniques for removing paint from leather are to try one of the following treatments in a small inconspicuous unpainted area of leather first to see if it harms the leather (there are a variety of ways leather is made, so results can vary), then try it on the painted leather, keep trying treatments until you find something that works.

  • vegetable oil (cooking oil)
  • vaseline (petroleum jelly)
  • warm soapy water (and a non-scratch scouring pad used gently)
  • nail polish remover
  • rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol)

You'll probably need to follow up with some leather conditioner.