How to remove ice damming on the roof


I just noticed that I have a pretty large ice dam forming on my roof (will post pictures later).

I am just wondering, is there anything I can do to remove the ice? It has completely filled the eavestrough on one section of the house.

I have not seen any noticeable warm spots on the roof (i.e. melting regions). We have been having warm, cold, warm, cold weather, followed by snow; which I am sure doesn't help anything.

I understand that to prevent it from happening in the future, would be to better insulate the attic (I also have wooden soffits, which likely doesn't help anything). Next year, I will invest in a roof snow shovel. I think the main culprit has been the stupid weather (melt, freeze, melt, freeze).

Should I just let the ice dam resolve, or should I do something to remove the ice?

Best Answer

It may seem counter-intuitive, but you can simply run a garden hose up there and melt it off. By working from the bottom up you'll be less likely to force water through the roofing and cause a leak.

You don't want to use hard tools on your roof if you can help it. Shingles don't last long when you do.