How to remove moisture and odor from wall insulation



There is a gap between the ground and the wall. Inside I can see the insulation that is there.


Unfortunately the pet made this insulation a temporary toilet so it has been peed upon a couple of times.

Trying to fix

I've removed the visible part of that insulation (by pulling it off as best as I can) and now there is this gap left, where the insulation is underneath.

I've sprayed the area couple of times with enzyme cleaners (including the gap with the insulation), it still smells weird inside. Can't really tell if its pee or insuline smell, if that's something.

Request for proper solution

How can I make sure that the smell is gone?

Should I fill the gap between the wall and the ground with some kind of filler?

Thank you

Best Answer

You’ll need to expose area, clean with bleach and let air out for a day before installing new insulation then covering area. Kind of hard to visualize w/ out photo.