How to remove old wires of utility companies


I have a bunch of old wires between my house and a pole across the street. How do I get rid of them? I don't even know what companies they belong to. I only know that I use the electricity cable and the FIOS cable and everything else is something I'm not likely to ever need in my life and in the life of anyone who buys or rents the house from me.

I'm talking about 5 or 6 different cables which I'd gladly get rid of at least from the point where they touch my house. What options do I have?

Best Answer

most likely you have a telco cable, and a cable tv cable. In most cases, any conductors that cross a public way are owned by the utility from the pole to any interface device or junction box on your property. If you can see where they live on the pole, you may be better able to identify them. Call the utilities and request removal, the same way you would have to if you were putting new siding on your house and needed then removed temporally. If I knew for sure they were old phone and cable, I'd just cut them loose from the house, carefully move them back to the pole, coil them up and staple them to the pole. Watch for traffic when you drop them!!!!