How to remove stubborn nails from baseboard


I have tried pounding the nails out through the front, they don't budge. I have tried pulling the nails through the back with pliers, they break off. The baseboard is a laminate from old laminate flooring. The nails were obviously put in with a pneumatic nailer.

Any suggestions for removing the nails so I can replace the baseboards would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I usually use a pair of end cutting pliers, to pull the nails out the back.

enter image description here

The face of the tool is slightly rounded, which allows for a good rocking motion.

Just grab the nail gently with the pliers, as close to the work piece as possible. Rocking the tool on it's rounded face generates quite a bit of leverage, allowing you to pull most nails out. Just remember not to squeeze too hard, or you'll simply cut the nail off.