How to remove tape residue


I have duct tape, masking tape and brown tape residue on walls, vinyl and skirting board. Will water and a microfiber cloth be sufficient to remove them or what will I need to do. I prefer avoiding harsh chemicals as they make me unwell.


Best Answer

Water won't touch most of those tape remains, sorry.

Do you have other people who can do this for you, while you spend a day away from the smells at home?

First option is a citrus based cleaner, which tends to have a sweeter and more-pleasant smell. Normally these are Orange-based.

Something like acetone or isopropyl alcohol have an odour which should dissipate fairly quickly. Avoid using kerosene or turpentine because their smells linger longer.

The main risks are of damage to the underlying surface. If you're cleaning in order to repaint, then that's less of an issue. Start with the "more-gentle" solvents and work up.

Once the tape residues are softened, you might be able to scrape them off with a blunt scraper (not a razor-blade)

And in the future, consider other ways to hang things on your walls that aren't tape? Magnets can be good if you have metal in the wall though are a risk to babies, pets and children.