How to remove wasp nest and let them leave


I find that there are some wasps flying around my house, and even built their honeycomb near the roof or soffit vent. Are there any methods to remove them or let these wasps leave? Thanks.

Best Answer

I've done this multiple times, all successfully: At night, when they're calm, take a plastic jar or cup (see-through is important) with a mouth as wide as the nest. Put a crumpled paper towel in the bottom. This will absorb shock so the nest remains intact. Bring some thin cardboard that can cover the jar opening.

With one hand, place the jar over the nest with the rim against the surface the nest is attached to. Scrape the nest off the surface by sliding the jar sideways, keeping the lid against the surface. Once the nest is detached. Bring in the cardboard in and slip it between the jar and the surface.

Now take the jar and cardboard as one and place them on the ground somewhere away from normal activity with the cardboard on the top. At this point I usually take a long broom handle or spray water to knock off the cardboard and then run inside. 😬