How to remove wet latex paint from carpet


I have just stepped into latex paint and walked onto the carpet by accident. I haven't done anything yet it just happened.

How do I remove the paint from my carpet?

Best Answer

You will be OK, it's only latex paint and you have time on your side.

  1. Use a dry paper towel to suck up any wet paint.
  2. Pour a bit of water on the dry paint to reactivate it.
  3. Use a dry towel to dab the paint spot unit it goes away.

If the paint has been there awhile and has started to setup or if dabbing isn't doing the trick, you will have to scrub it. You can try warm water and a mild dish soap too.

Warning: Some people may advise rubbing alcohol or other solvents, be careful as these may strip the color or even melt the carpet depending on what your product is.

Still no luck? Try a professional carpet cleaner machine; the hot water and brushes will help scrape the paint out.

Edit: found a nice video for you.