How to replace a garage door spring


One of the springs on my garage door has snapped. I'd like to replace it, but it seems like I'm going to have to get the door up before I can do so. Of course, the door is extremely heavy with a broken spring, so that is tricky. Do I just need to get a jack to get the door up, or is there another solution I'm not thinking of?

Best Answer

Depends if it is a swinging door (California) or a roll up door. The roll up has one spring that runs across the header. If you mess with this you are messing with death. It's that simple.

The California style that swings out has two springs on each side of the door. These springs can be changed as a DIY. Open the door, which will be very hard, and prop the door open. If you remove the what is propping the door it will slam very hard and maybe make you wish you were dead. There are many different types of springs so what you buy has to be an exact match. Changing it you takes nothing more than brawn. I've done a few over the years because they are used mostly on wood doors and these dry out and then absorb water and back and forth until they weigh almost twice their weight. The springs and openers start breaking from the extra weight.

To recap, if the torsion springs is above the door then leave it for a professional. The side springs can be done - video.