How to replace porch joists


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My covered porch has seen some better days. The 2×10 joists are rotted on top causing the wood on top to sag. The 2×10 is notched and inserted into the brick on both sides. I have a feeling that this was done while the house was being built. This makes it impossible to replace them without changing something and all the joists need to be replaced.

My questions is: what is the preferred method for doing this type of repair?

Would I attach a ledger board to the house and notch in the joists on the other side or put up two ledger boards. Perhaps there is some trick or system that I'm not aware of.

Best Answer

it depends how far those holes go. if you can over-feed one end of the joist, you can then align the other end with with the other hole and back it in.

ledgers, as you suggest are a legitimate solution too, also brackets, but on brick ledgers are easier.

ledgers both sides is probably the easiest to get right. you're then not relying on any unseen features of the building construction, and avoiding any potential unpleasant surprises.