How to replace the copper connector under the bathroom faucet


Trying to use the most accurate description: it's a copper connector or supply line that connects directly to the faucet that breaks with a huge hole. It leaks if I turn on the water.

  • photo 1 shows the faucet
  • photo 2 shows the underlying connection of the faucet and the copper connector
  • photo 3 shows the hole on the pipe

I searched and looks like epoxy is usually used for such situation – is that the only way? The hole is pretty big, also the line is very twisted, not sure if it affects water pressure even if I fixed the hole. I guess it would be great if I can replace it, but I didn't find anyway to detach it from faucet – the connection is deep and I don't have access to it.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

Best Answer

Forget about epoxy for fixing that. The pipe is too damaged and being crushed in like that will definitely affect water pressure out of the faucet.

You're looking at cutting out the bad section and using compression fittings or sweating in a new section of pipe or just connecting the to ends after removing the damaged area. Trying to do this under the sink would be a pain. I'd remove the faucet and do repairs, then reinstall the faucet.

You might even think about just replacing the faucet if the fixing part worries you.