How to replace the siding on the garage when its on the property line, and 12″ adjacent to another structure


My garage is right on the property line, and my so is my neighbors. Its not a shared wall, but the two are about a 1 foot (maybe 1.5 feet) apart. Its not enough room for me to squeeze back there. The siding is pretty rotted through, and the previous owner of my garage used some MDF type particle board as the sheathing which is disintegrating. A lot of the studs need some replacing as well, along with the sill plate on the foundation. Its a pretty flat roof garage, so the wall I'm replacing is just a plain 10'x20' regularly studded wall. There are no tricky angles or anything on the wall, its square.

Any ideas on how to replace the wall and siding? Are there any siding systems that I could assemble on the roof and flip up and lower into the gap? Sliding a new wall in from the side might be possible but it seems really heav and unmanageable. Just like lowering a new wall down from above, how do I secure it inside? Would I have to assemble the wall studs and all before I do this? Or can I pre-assemble the sheathing-wrap-siding panels and fasten them from the inside with some clever fasteners.

Thanks, any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Seems like the best bet would be building a new wall inside the garage, on the floor. Do all the framing, and put the siding on the top. To make room for the jacks in step 2 you'd probably need to do it in 3 sections.

Then you have to support the roof while you demolish the old wall. Put a jack at each end, and 2 more evenly spaced across the span. Get beams of sufficient size to support the roof, and raise the jacks. Then tear out the old framing and siding.

Now the fun part. Stand up the newly built walls and get them around the jacks and into the right location. Attach them to the foundation, side walls and each other, then lower the roof back down and attach it.