How to replace urine-soaked insulation


How can I replace or get rid of mice-urine-soaked insulation, when the smell is strong enough to instantly make me vomit?

Best Answer

So the problem is mostly the smell. Two ways to go at it, and you may need both - a respirator with a carbon filter cartridge as well as a particulate filter cartridge (stackable), or a combination type cartridge, and a "fresh air blower" to supply clean air to the space before, during and after working in it.

But since I see in the bits that were (IMHO) excessively edited out of your question this is not your own home, a call to the local (health board? or whoever has jurisdiction over landlords) is where you, as a tenant, should start, (assuming that you have already brought this to the attention of your landlord without results - if you have not, start there) along with perhaps looking for a different rental and considering breaking your lease for the property not being maintained in a condition that's safe to inhabit. Ripping out the insulation is not only not your responsibility, it's also undoubtedly not something you are allowed to do, either.