How to Safely Cut Though Main Attic into Addition Attic


I bought a house where the main attic is accessible, but a later addition to the house has an attic that isn't access from the main attic. I believe the two connect over the garage, but I'm not sure if it's safe to cut through the covered roof into the addition, or if that will affect the integrity of the roof.

How would I safely connect the two attics so that I don't have to use the addition's attic access? We think it's located outside, in the eaves of the house, with light fixtures which would need disconnected. Obviously, we can't really use it going into winter.

I'm tempted to just cut through with my reciprocating saw, but I'm worried that I might mess something up if I do that without getting advice.

  1. Interior of Addition

Addition Layout

  1. Main Attic, where I want to cut through

Main Attic Meeting Addition's Attic

  1. Outside picture of roof pitch

enter image description here

  1. Addition's Attic Access (we think)

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think it's a code violation, but there may actually be no access in the addition. Access at the eaves would be rather difficult and very tight. A gable vent you have to remove to get in is more common, as miserable no inside access access goes. But I've seen more than one "just sealed up and you have to cut your way in" job over time.

The main risk (so long as you stick to cutting the roof sheathing, not the rafters) will be encountering a wire on the side you can't see. Always better to be able to look at both sides, and start with drilling a few holes so that you are sure how both sides line up before you cut - but wires can be repaired, once the excitement dies down. I guess with modern toys you could drill a hole (relatively low-risk) and put a borescope or small camera through to look for hazards before cutting more.