How to safely test the (optical) smoke alarm


My landlord has recently reinstalled my smoke alarm. It is labelled on the smoke alarm as an "Optical" type.

The smoke alarm appears to be working – it's powered by both mains electricity and battery – it shows a green status light, and when I push the test button it does indeed beep as expected.

However, being a cautious type, I've tried holding a lighting match 20cm or so below it, then extinguishing it. That generates a small puff of smoke. This doesn't seem to trigger the alarm.

Should I reasonably expect that to trigger the alarm? Is there anything else I can do (safely!) to test the alarm?

In case it's relevant, I'm in the UK.

Best Answer

There is a chance that burning something may contaminate the sensors. Several companies make an optical alarm test spray. It is an aerosol can that generally costs less than $10 U.S. It is large enough to last several years worth of monthly tests. It should be available at your local home center or hardware store.