How to safely transport a heavy item downstairs


I want to put a freezer in our basement. The models I'm interested in weigh around 60-75kg.

The shops will happily deliver the item to our front door, but from there, I'm on my own. I'm a 75kg middle-aged male (IT guy, average "white-collar worker" strength). My goal is to get this thing safely into the basement, without hurting anyone or damaging anything.

I have never tried to transport an item this heavy myself. My current plan is as follows:

  1. Put this thing on a stair climber hand truck. I have this model, which is rated for 120kg.

  2. Use tension belts to fix the package on the hand truck.

  3. Put the kids in front of the TV to get them out of the way; ask my wife walk in front of me to open doors, clear the way and help if needed.

  4. Use the hand truck to slowly move the freezer down the stairs.

Any other precautions I should take? It feels wrong to order professional help just to move an item down a flight of stairs, but I'm prepared to do that if my plan is unsafe or unfeasible. (Who would I call for something like that? A moving company?) Due to the Covid lockdown and social distancing rules, I'd prefer not to ask friends from other households to come over and help.

Best Answer

Well all your prep work sounds good but I am well over 100Kg and I would want another person on the stairs below to help by actually pushing back on the freezer so it doesn’t drag you down the stairs. The model I use has belts that when you pull it back the belts ride on the stair edge and don’t tear up the stairs. But even with this I consider it a 2 person job. Unless you have an electric stair climber hand truck.