How to seal a below-grade window permanently


I purchased my home a couple of years ago and this year I am going to replace the deck and build a fence. The deck was in terrible condition so I completely took it down. To my surprise I found 2 below grade windows under my deck that had been dry walled over on the inside. In fact the previous owner even left the glass panes in the windows. I want to fix this permanently and fill it in so it won't ever be a problem again. What is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

Jeff, you didn't say what material the windows were in. poured concrete foundation wall, framed wall?? Is there siding around the windows? A concrete wall could be filled with bricks and mortar. If it is a framed wall, build a framed box, shiething, then some flashing, lots of silicon caulk and match the siding. A picture would be a great help on this one.