How to seal sump pit with removable cover


Just moved into a new house and bought new sump pump with battery backup.

The old pit liner is about 4" below floor level and the pit is 16" wide. the top is a mess as you can see from pix.

I want a rim/dome that seals to the concrete and a removable lid. Only needs one pipe coming out (y for backup and main are in pit (zoeller propack)

My problem is, the out diameter of the entire assembly cannot be more than 20 inches because of two stud walls.

Attached are a few pix (with the old pump still installed.

Any suggestions/recommended products?




Image 2

Best Answer

I am currently doing the same thing; while sealing it for a radon system. The radon pipe will be through the slab in a separate spot in the basement. I am using a piece of clear Lexan with rubber foam rope insulation underneath it.

Here is my finished cover. It works fantastically. Access hole with removable seal. Uniseals for the cords and pipe.

enter image description here