How to secure a table that is hanging off the wall via four screws (2 on each side) from slipping away


I have just installed a table that sits on four screws.

Two of the screws are a little tilted and I want to avoid having the table slip off them.

If I could redo this, I would probably use some fasteners but I don't want to rescrew those if I can.

Is there a screw plate or a wire that I could wrap around the ends of the screw to reduce the chances of the table slipping off?


Image of table lying on the ground below its screws

Best Answer

The 4 screws you installed will hold the desktop to those metal supports. The screws should be long enough to pentetrate at least 3/4 in.
The real issue is how are you mounting/attaching the support to the wall. The metal support should be mounted on the wall first at the height you want snd leveled. You need to located where the studs are behind the drywall. Studs are normally 16" on center. So find the two studs, 48 in. apart. Use 5/16- 2 1/2" long lag bolts to screw the support to the wall. After the support are installed, place desktop on support and rescrew the desktop to the support. Odds are that you will have to s crew in at new holes. Not the one you are using now.