How to smooth out spray paint drips on a metal monitor stand


I purchased this monitor stand. However, I did not like the color. So I sprayed painted it semi-gloss black with this spray paint. Suffice to say, I'm not very handy. It ended up un-smooth on the curved edges because of paint drips.

How should I go about smoothing it out?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is only one way to fix your boo-boo. Sand it back down to metal or enough to remove the drips. Next time, when using spray paint, remember several very thin coats are much better than one heavy coat. Always start the spray away from the object you want to paint. Move smoothly and fairly quickly across the area, then go past the end of the work before stopping the spray. Let the paint dry a bit before the next coat. Be patient, smooth and quick. Trying to put on too much at one time caused your drips. Good luck.