How to solve Hot Upstairs but cold basement


I have central air in my house(20 year old house). In my basement it gets cool, and cold air is coming from a vent in the ceiling. My upstairs gets really warm and humid even though central air is on. What should I do to resolve this? I was suggested to replace windows, fill attic/crawl space. I heard there could be a tool to help even out the air but the technician wouldn't share the secret.

Best Answer

George Anderson is right. Balancing air flow is the easiest and most cost effective solution. Obviously, cold air is heavier than warm air. In the summer you need to direct AC air flow to higher floors and restrict it on lower floors. In the winter you reverse this directing heat to the downstairs and letting it rise via convection to upper floors.
Ceiling fans also help if used properly. To cool use mid to high speeds blowing down in the summer. In winter use slow speeds blowing up in order to bring warm sir from the ceiling down the walls.