How to stop this small roof from leaking


We have water stains in the ceiling drywall underneath this small section of roof.

I suspect it's due to the loose metal that's on top of the shingles. The fasteners on the top of the metal are all sealed still, but the metal literally lifts up by hand.

In the image, a gap on the left side is clearly visible. I suspect the water is entering through the nail holes, but I'm not 100% sure.

leaky roof pic

How do I properly fix this? Is there a certain "maintenance" required with this metal piece?

Best Answer

I believe that you are getting leaks through that gap. Wind driven ran can push water right under that flashing.

You can install sealant underneath the flashing like Aravindakshan K suggested. I would take it a step further, and add roofing nails with the neoprene washers on them to hold the flashing closer to the roof.

I have the same problem with my front porch. It doesn't have proper footings and has sunk over time causing a separation in the flashing. Your roof appears to have the same situation. It is likely that that separation will continue unless you address the structural issue.