How to take the hooks off of this shelf holder


I have a shelf holder, with all but one of the shelves taken off, in my closet. They look like this:

enter image description here

I'd like to take the two uppermost things sticking out of it off – I have no idea what they're called. It looks like they are supposed to come off:

enter image description here
enter image description here

I've tried pushing up near the point where they connect to the rail, but they didn't show any signs of budging.

Should I just push harder, or is there a better way?

Best Answer

Gently hammer up on the bottom, right next to the rail. They jam in place, especially if heavily loaded, and sometimes need persuasion to come loose again.

Several light taps will be less likely to go wrong than pounding as hard as you can.

Some (not all) will also respond to lifting up on the outermost end. Don't overdo that, or you'll bend them, especially if they are not of that flavor (which can be hard to tell for sure.)

They are called shelf brackets or shelf supports.