How to tell what kind of paint is on the stucco


I have a stucco house that has been painted. I would like to somehow figure out what kind of paint it is. The reason being that I would like to re-color the house with a high-quality mineral paint, and the application will be greatly complicated and increased in cost if I first have to sandblast off the existing paint.

Here's a close-up of the existing painted stucco:

enter image description here

If it's regular latex paint, I'll need to have it sandblasted, because the new mineral paint won't adhere to it. But if it's cement or mineral paint, then I think I'll be able to paint right over it, because the new mineral paint will be able to bond with those types of paints.

Does anybody know of a good way to figure out what kind of paint is currently on there?

Best Answer

DO NOT ever use elastomeric paint on stucco.....Stucco needs to breathe.... in truth stucco should never be "painted" at all. It needs to be lime washed or mineral coated. This actually bonds chemically to the stone and will breathe, not mold/mildew because of the alkalinity, and fill in small cracks. Minerals can last 50+ years, Lime wash less. Also you need to know what the stucco is made from, Lime, Portland cement, ??? that will determine what will bond to it. The lime wash is super inexpensive but doesn't last as long as the mineral silicate.

The new mineral paint will adhere to previously painted stucco. check out ROMA BIO or KEIM.

Power wash it hard then mineral coat it, they now can match color, it will be beautiful. Also the mineral coatings slightly reflect light so the color has life like the sun is on it.

I learn all this when I bought a untouched 1920 stucco house.

BTW elastomeric paint is forbidden to be used on listed historic buildings as they found that it causes them to mold. It traps water. check out the GSA guidelines and united masons websites they go into detail what should be done.

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