How to temporarily mount a large object on the side of the house


I have a large, wooden snowflake I made that I'd like to mount on the side of my house this winter, but I don't want to put nails into the siding. The snowflake is about 3' across and about 15 lbs.

In the searching I've done so far, I've found siding clips, but these either seem to be for vinyl siding, or they don't really come out.

I also thought about hanging it from some rope anchored to the eave, but the eave isn't straight and it is quite windy here in the winter, which may cause it to swing/scratch the wall.

I briefly considered mounting it on a post with a base on the ground, but I think that would look weird.

Edit: I don't mean to make it sound like any of the above options are unacceptable, except using nails. I've just been thinking over my options for the last week or so and these are the ideas I've had and my initial concerns with them. If anyone has done something similar, or sees a way to improve one of these ideas, that would be great too. I'm kinda hoping someone has had experience with using siding clips on non-vinyl siding and knows of a good brand that could hold the snowflake and is removable.

Here is a picture of the snowflake and the wall I'd like to mount it to:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on the restrictions you've presented, your post idea isn't farfetched and I don't think it will look particularly unusual, especially if you consider to paint the post on which it is mounted to match the color of the siding. From any appreciable distance, the post will mostly vanish.

On close inspection, or a second look, the post may "pop into view," but the viewer will have already experienced the primary focus of the snowflake.

If the post idea is still rejected, the hanging idea could be better implemented by attaching it by cables to the eaves, but also attaching cables to the ground, to prevent movement. You could get away with a minimum of three cables, one above and two below, or two above and one below. A padded substance behind the snowflake will improve circumstances, as well. Use enough padding to push the cables all the tighter, forcing a more secure friction attachment to the wall. Paint the cables to match the siding?