How to tighten this screw


I have a fairly new bathroom suite. The toilet seat has a nifty quick-release hinge which allows you to just press two buttons to take it off for cleaning. Underneath, the hinge assembly is fixed on with a long screw, tightened with a nut that fits snugly into a recess inside the porcelain. There's no screw head accessible from underneath, and the hinge doesn't come off on top to screw from that direction.

Naturally, the seat has come loose. How do I tighten it? I've tried just turning the screw thread with a pair of pliers, but it's hard to get a decent grip and this only works for a short while. Is there a particular tool I need to buy to tighten this sort of screw? Or a particular technique?

Best Answer

Two things unbelievable about my answer.

  1. It's not about electrical
  2. I took pictures of my toilet

I think I have the same seat, so here we go...

This is what the back of my lid looks like

Excuse the glare, but this is what holds my seat down.

Clips are twisted counter-clockwise

Now take the top half of the clips and twist them counter-clockwise. The picture shows them all the way turned. Now the hard part...

It's off!!!

You might have to work at this but you give it some wiggles and it pulls straight up.

Hopefully this is what you have and hopefully the artistic work I did does not go in vain. Taking pictures of toilets or loo's or any device of this nature just does not do anything for me. I hope they don't pull my man card, then I have to get my you know whats out of my wife's purse.