How to trash the trash can


I never expected to ask my first question about trashing something, but after 4 failed attempts to trash the trash can, I have no choice but ask you.

Here is the problem: I have a trash can, which needs to be trashed. Simple, right? Not so. I've started last week.

First attempt was to tie a trash bag to the trash can (I hoped they will be angry and will take trash can wit them), but they left it.

Second through Fourth attempts were to leave a note inside the trashcan on top of the trash bags asking to take the trash can and put into garbage truck.

I still have that trash can.

My next attempt will be to find a large enough trash bag and put trash can inside, but that would be problematic – finding large enough trash bag.

We have twice a week garbage pickup from the curb.

So question is how to trash the trash can?

Best Answer

I have trashed many a trashcan. Simply get axe and have fun for 10 minutes and throw it in a few bags. Note that whether metal or plastic, the axe ricochets so make sure no one is around you and that you have space.