How to trim the pegboard


I really want to tidy up my tool closet, and step one is getting the pegboard hung back up.

I'd like to mount the board on the inside of a closet door, but it is about 2" too wide for that. I've had it forever so don't know exactly what it is made of but it feels like some kind of MDF or hardboard. It's pretty sturdy.

I have a jigsaw, a circular saw, and a hacksaw. What's my best bet for cutting the pegboard without damaging it?

Best Answer

Use the circular saw.

Clamp a piece of scrap 1" by something down to guide the saw for a straight cut. This will take some time to lay out, but it will be worth it.

Get your saw up to speed before cutting the hardboard.

Additional Tips from the comments:

Put masking/painters tape on the cut line and cut down the middle of the tape. This will reduce splintering of the edges.

If using a circular saw, cut with the finished side down. Splintering, if any will occur on the back side, which is hidden.

Pro-tip: A table saw with the blade lowered makes a perfectly serviceable dining room table. It also makes carving a roast a breeze.