How to turn light the oven pilot on this vintage stove


My 30s Wedgewood stove has an oven pilot that is funky. I distinctly recall that I had to do something special to light the oven pilot last time I shut the gas off, but I can't remember what it was. At the time, we had just

The right third of the oven had a trash/wood burner, there's an apparatus in there with a red button:

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I do recall that the red button was involved in relighting the pilot:


But that's all I recall. I tried holding it down but that didn't seem to help. This is where I think the pilot is:

rear of oven

Note that my view isn't nearly so clear, but I could stick my phone back there. Am I even lighting the right thing?

Does anyone actually know how to light this oven?

Best Answer

Actually, this wasn't hard. I called the stove repair company and they talked me through it:

The pilot just lights (no idea why it wasn't coming on the first few times I tried it) and then I had to depress and release the red reset button before the oven would actually work.