How to unfix a pvc tube glued to another pvc tube


I have the following drained pvc tube pipe. As you can see from the picture below, I want to detach the part that I've circled in green (the upper part).

enter image description here

The pvc part has been glued.

After many readings on the internet, one of the easiest solution would be to use a heat gun/thermal cleaner to unstuck it (like in this video).

Is there a simpler way to unglued the pvc tube without using a heat gun?

Thank you.

Best Answer

The glue normally used is a pvc cement and « welds » the joint together.

I would cut that tee out and fit a new one with extensions to meet up with the existing pipes using couplers.

When you get the old part out, try separating a joint - they tend to « tear » the surface.